[Mono-list] just installed mono, most basic test failed.

Alex J Lennon ajlennon at dynamicdevices.co.uk
Mon May 11 14:03:45 UTC 2015

Hi Edward, all,

On 11/05/2015 15:51, Edward Ned Harvey (mono) wrote:
>> From: covici at ccs.covici.com [mailto:covici at ccs.covici.com]
>> Why not use vs 2015 and vs code, supposed to work on Windows, OSX or
>> Linux, although I don't know what versions of OSX they are supporting.
>> I wonder how long mono is for this world?
> Is that just a blatant troll? Even with .Net being open source, you cannot ever expect it to simply compile straight up, on a non-windows platform. Lots of changes are required under the hood to implement things like file and socket operations, which are fundamentally based on different underlying technologies. You should not expect such an effort to ever be done - because it's already been done in mono, and there's no motivation for anyone to repeat all that work in a separate project.

Putting to one side the criticism of Mono, I was looking at some CoreCLR
info the other day and it does look like build on Linux is well on the
way? It also looks as though they plan to have ARM support in there at
some point?


Cheers, Alex

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