[Mono-list] Current best implementation of System.Windows.Media.Typeface and System.Windows.Media.FormattedText

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Tue Jul 21 16:42:01 UTC 2015

They are part of WPF which mono does not support at all.

moonlight does not build anymore as we removed required bits in mono
(unless you check out very old mono).

Atsushi Eno

On 2015年07月21日 23:01, Justin Dearing wrote:
> I'm running Mono 4.0.2  on Centos 7 from the yum repo
> http://download.mono-project.com/repo/centos/
> I'm trying to get EPPlus compiling with xbuild
> /p:TargetFrameworkVersion="v4.0". After dealing with some file case
> issues, and missing namespaces I got errors about those two missing
> types. Do I try to get them with moonlight? Is there an implementation
> of them elsewhere?
> Justin
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