[Mono-list] TypeLoadException with ASP.NET

Igor Shmukler igor.shmukler at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 22:21:16 UTC 2015

Hello Marco,

Thank you for your email.

I don't have to use apache2. I could use any production quality web
server. The ability to handle load, is not even that important. We
need to run an embedded server.

If nginx+fastcgi is easy to setup, we would probably for it. Is this
easy to setup? I had problems with XSP2, but version 4 just works for
me on both Mac and Linux. Whatever it is, I am happy.


Igor Shmukler

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 11:56 PM, Marco Ridoni <m.ridoni at gmail.com> wrote:
> Igor, sorry if I'm asking something you already answered somehow: do you
> absolutely have to use Apache+mod_mono? I found nginx + fastcgi much faster
> and reliable in my case.
> m.
> 2015-01-13 20:33 GMT+01:00 Igor Shmukler <igor.shmukler at gmail.com>:
>> Hello Andres,
>> I "agree" that a cryptic message is not the friendliest thing for a
>> programmer, such as myself. I should be coding, instead I am
>> pretending to be a system administrator. IMHO, what is a bug: "is in
>> the eye of the beholder." I would love it, if every project was
>> moderated according to your standards. :)
>> After a lot more digging, so I am delighted to share the few
>> additional insights.
>> I tried various apache2+mono configurations using mod_mono_auto and/or
>> mod_mono with manual site configuration. No matter what configuration
>> was selected, the default.aspx compiles then loading a type from a DLL
>> fails - otherwise, things look the same.
>> I tried running my code with XSP2, and got exactly the same output as
>> with apache2+mod_mono[_auto].
>> Finally, I tried XSP4 - the same server that Xamarin packaged for
>> XamarinStudio, which I use on my OSX laptop. XSP4 works.
>> [I quickly tried mono-apache-server4, but did not get it to work fast
>> enough. Perhaps, another pass at mono-server4 makes even more sense,
>> now.]
>> Sincerely,
>> Igor Shmukler
>> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Andrés G. Aragoneses <knocte at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > And when I say a "bug" I mean either a Mono bug, or a mod_mono bug.
>> >
>> > On 13 January 2015 at 19:29, Andrés G. Aragoneses <knocte at gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Igor, a misconfiguration problem should never rise a cryptic
>> >> TypeLoadException. You're simply hitting a bug with your codebase. If
>> >> you
>> >> keep reducing the testcase, you will be able to know where is the
>> >> problem,
>> >> so you can open a more detailed bug report about it, or even fix it
>> >> yourself.
>> >>
>> >> On 13 January 2015 at 10:01, Igor Shmukler <igor.shmukler at gmail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi Andres,
>> >>>
>> >>> Thank you again
>> >>>
>> >>> >> I already know that my code runs fine [on Mac].
>> >>> >
>> >>> > With what web server?
>> >>>
>> >>> On Mac [OS X], I have been using XamarinStudio, which hosts on XSP4
>> >>> [at least by default]. XSP4 on Mac works great, but on Linux things
>> >>> are strange. I am totally perplexed.
>> >>> Do you think that is the proper assembly version? What do I do
>> >>> to find out what is wrong. Does mod_mono have a separate log
>> >>> somewhere? Does it make sense that apache2 error log shows no errors?
>> >>>
>> >>> >> What would running my code with XSP prove?
>> >>> >
>> >>> > It would give more info to pinpoint if it's a bug in mono's ASP.NET
>> >>> > stack,
>> >>> > or in mod_mono (which is a different codebase).
>> >>>
>> >>> Do you think that there is indeed a bug in a codebase? My guess is
>> >>> that something is funky with configuration. Obviously, I don't know
>> >>> what are the answers to my own questions. Hence, with that many
>> >>> variables, my guess is only "so" educated.
>> >>>
>> >>> Please advise.
>> >>>
>> >>> Sincerely,
>> >>>
>> >>> Igor Shmukler
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
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