[Mono-list] MVC4 async controllers

Nicklas Overgaard nicklas at isharp.dk
Wed Feb 26 13:52:21 UTC 2014

Hi Daniel,

Thanks the ping back.

I know for sure that it's not the other parts of the code / view that is
failing, since removing "async Task<...>" from the method declaration
removes the error permanently. Adding async Task<> makes it fail 2/3 times
approximately. I'll throw something up on github which shows the behavior
and write in the thread again.

Nicklas Overgaard
iSharp Solutions ApS

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Daniel Lo Nigro <lists at dan.cx> wrote:

> The "missing view errors" errors are very annoying and misleading.
> They usually mean that something broke somewhere else but the exception
> wasn't caught. Are you logging exceptions via something like ELMAH? The
> actual exception may be in the logs if so.
> I'm surprised you could get async methods working in your controllers,
> last I heard there was nobody working on the async ASP.NET stack...
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Nicklas Overgaard <nicklas at isharp.dk>wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm working on a Asp.net MVC4 project and I've started to use the async
>> Task<...> returns on my controllers as it should improve performance quite
>> a lot - and it all works wonderfully on Windows.
>> However, from time to time, I prefer to work directly from my MAC via
>> Xamarin Studio. Approximately 1 out of 3 requests to the XSP server works,
>> the rest errors our randomly with "missing view errors". I've noticed on
>> the compatibility overview that the MVC4 async pipeline is not supposed to
>> work at all:
>> http://www.mono-project.com/Compatibility
>> So i'm wondering: How come it helps to refresh the page? And is there any
>> tricks to getting the async controllers working properly in XSP?
>> Thanks!
>> ---
>> Nicklas Overgaard
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