[Mono-list] Comparison: Windows/WPF vs Mono/Glade/Gtk

Michael Powell mwpowellhtx at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 12:15:43 UTC 2014


Has anyone worked with Glade/Gtk on a Mono across platforms? Can you
provide a comparison how it stacks up in comparison/contrast with
"native" if you will .NET WPF? Assuming C# in all cases.

Areas of interest:

* Support for MVVM design patterns; I have some sense that possibly
Glade/Gtk data binding is weak-to-none. That's significant, but
perhaps not a non-starter.

* Support for docking libraries such as Avalon; or just docking in
general. Declarative Xml is one thing, and the ability to save and
restore layout, content, etc.

Any any other caveats, pitfalls, gotchas.

Thank ye...

Best regards,


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