[Mono-list] Embedded API: Boxing value types and ToString

Aaron Oneal aaron.oneal at spicypixel.com
Tue Jul 23 23:06:46 UTC 2013

I ran the simple boxing test below on Mono 2.10.12 and 3.1.2 and don't understand why the ToString results on the boxed object do not match the unboxed value.

I can also pass the MonoObject into mono_runtime_invoke to have a C# method on the other side call ToString and it shows the correct value.

Is there a known issue with mono_object_to_string or am I doing something incorrectly?


// Int Marshalling
int32_t v = 10;
printf("original value = %d\n", v);

MonoObject *obj = mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), mono_get_int32_class(), &v);
MonoString *obj_string = mono_object_to_string(obj, NULL);
char *obj_string_utf8 = mono_string_to_utf8(obj_string);
printf("boxed value = %s\n", obj_string_utf8);

v = *(int32_t*)mono_object_unbox(obj);
printf("unboxed value = %d\n", v);

// Output
// original value = 10
// boxed value = 85441552   <-- Huh?
// unboxed value = 10

// Bool Marshalling
int8_t b = 0;
printf("original value = %d\n", b);

obj = mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), mono_get_boolean_class(), &b);
obj_string = mono_object_to_string(obj, NULL);
obj_string_utf8 = mono_string_to_utf8(obj_string);
printf("boxed value = %s\n", obj_string_utf8);

b = *(int8_t*)mono_object_unbox(obj);
printf("unboxed value = %d\n", b);

// Output
// original value = 0
// boxed value = True   <-- 0 == True ?
// unboxed value = 0
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