[Mono-list] Need to disable autoreload when Web.config file is modified

Abe Gillespie abe.gillespie at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 14:59:32 UTC 2013

That's simply how it works.  Mono is honoring the behavior that
hot-editing web.config is designed to do.  Perhaps you're doing
something with web.config beyond its intended use?  Are you changing
configuration that's read on-demand?  If so, perhaps you should use a
different method for your configuration.

You can configure assemblies on a per-assembly basis by using the
naming convention MyAssemblyName.dll.config.  And although I can't
tell you first hand if the AppDomain reloads when an assembly config
is changed, it might be worth a try.

Good luck.

2013/6/27 Victor d'Agostino <victor.d.agostino at fiducial.net>:
> Hello,
> I use mono 2.6.7.and I run web apps with mod-mono-server
> root     22922  0.1  0.0 1535656 14240 ?       Sl   10:33   0:00
> /opt/novell/mono/bin/mono /opt/novell/mono/lib/mono/1.0/mod-mono-server.exe
> --nonstop --verbose --root /data/Myapp --filename /tmp/Myapp --applications
> /Myapp:/data/Myapp
> If I rewrite the Web.config file the web app is restarted.
> How to disable this behavior ?
> Regards,
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