[Mono-list] Planning a simple blog engine for Mono

Alberto León leontiscar at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 14:36:13 UTC 2013

Finnaly, FunnelWeb isn't ASP.NET MVC

I want to do a Blog Engine, with the pattern of MVC and fully soported for
develop and publish in Mono.
But I'm sure I can learn and implement code from all this open source works

2013/1/8 Alberto León <leontiscar at gmail.com>

> Perhaps I should to return to study FunnelWeb, but I want to achieve a
> simple and strong alternative to Wordpress for .Net world but specially to
> Mono.
> And I think FunnelWeb is not sufficient extended.
> Another idea was use Wordpress as CMS for administration content, but use
> Phalager to do an ASP.NET MVC as the front-end. Sounds crazy but is
> interesting
> 2013/1/8 Daniel Lo Nigro <lists at dan.cx>
>> The problem with mine is it's optimised for one particular use case -
>> mine :). Things like the permalink style are set the way I like them
>> (/year/month/post-title) and I haven't made things like this a setting or
>> anything.
>> I think FunnelWeb might still be worth looking at. I don't think there'd
>> be any major issues with running it in Mono, just little things that would
>> need to be worked out. For a general-purpose blog, it might be worth
>> spending time in testing FunnelWeb on Mono instead of starting a brand new
>> one. I only wrote my own because it helped me learn ASP.NET MVC better,
>> and of course I like running my own code and knowing how it all works. :)
>> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Alberto León <leontiscar at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Ok, I will take a look of your personal blog system, Daniel.
>>> I abandoned the idea of funnelWeb after read the threat you give me. But
>>> I love the simplicity of funnelweb and the programmer oriented philosophy
>>> 2013/1/7 Daniel Lo Nigro <lists at dan.cx>
>>>> Not sure how useful it'd be to you, but I wrote one for personal use
>>>> (although the code is integrated with the code for the rest of my site,
>>>> it's not a separate blogging system). I used:
>>>>    - ASP.NET <http://asp.net/> MVC 4 with Razor 2 and its built-in CSS
>>>>    and JS minification (WebGrease)
>>>>    - ServiceStack OrmLite<https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.OrmLite> with
>>>>    MySql.Data for the data access layer
>>>>    - SimpleInjector <http://simpleinjector.codeplex.com/> for IoC /
>>>>    Dependency injection
>>>>    - DotLESS <http://www.dotlesscss.org/> for CSS preprocessing
>>>>    - ELMAH <http://code.google.com/p/elmah/> for error logging
>>>>    - MiniProfiler <http://miniprofiler.com/> for performance profiling
>>>>    - T4MVC <http://t4mvc.codeplex.com/>
>>>> The live version is at http://dan.cx/blog. It's running on Mono 3.0.2
>>>> on Debian Linux. The code is available at
>>>> https://github.com/Daniel15/Website :)
>>>> As I only created it for personal use, I don't have enough free time to
>>>> do things like proper documentation, installation wizards and a
>>>> nice-looking administration section. But feel free to take any of the code
>>>> if you find it useful. There's really not that much code in it but I think
>>>> the code that is there is pretty clean.
>>>> I also know of FunnelWeb <http://www.funnelweblog.com/> which is a
>>>> blogging engine built on ASP.NET MVC 3.  I haven't tested
>>>> compatibility on Mono and its database scripts are only built with SQL
>>>> Server in mind (so they won't work properly on MySQL or PostgreSQL). See
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups=#!topic/funnelweblog/0PLPL2czWeE
>>>> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Alberto León <leontiscar at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I have studied a variety .Net blog engines and frameworks. For a MVC
>>>>> aproach, I can't find anything that can be deployed easy in MonoDevelop or
>>>>> running without a big effort in configuration for apache and mod_mono
>>>>> The more matured framework OpenSource Orchard, has a lot of headaches
>>>>> and in my point of view, is very heavy to the simple taks of a blog.
>>>>> I'm planning a new one, very simple, and easy to develop and run in
>>>>> Linux with apache and Mono.
>>>>> I will be pleased if you could give me some opinion and thoughts and
>>>>> tell me your experiencie integrating or doing similar things.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Alberto León
>>>>> --
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