[Mono-list] Jay download

Nilo Roberto da Cruz Paim nilopaim at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 22:38:10 UTC 2012

Em 05/03/2012 17:51, Lee Fisher escreveu:
> edited excerpt:
>>> Jay, mono/mcs/jay
>>> GPGP, http://gppg.codeplex.com/
>>> cslex, http://www.cybercom.net/~zbrad/DotNet/Lex/Lex.htm
> Besides Jay, GPGP, anc cslex (hi Brad), some others to examine:
> http://gplex.codeplex.com/
> http://himeparser.codeplex.com/
> http://irony.codeplex.com/
> http://sf.net/projects/csflex/
> And there a handful of multi-language tools (ANTLR, Coco, etc.) that 
> have support C#.
> It appears cslex, csflex are both >half a decade old, so older C# 
> versions supported only. Personally, I'd try to use the stuff Mono 
> uses (Jay), or the stuff John Gough maintains(GP*).
Thans for some more links, Lee.

But in fact, I would like to keep my present grammar, that was developed 
under flex/bison (lex/yacc). That's the reason for my search for 
lex/yacc compatible tools.

Anyway, thanks a lo for your interest.


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