[Mono-list] F# crash

Kakadu KakaduHafanana at yandex.ru
Wed Sep 28 07:33:16 EDT 2011


I've install mono 2.10 from debian.meeby.net/experimental and I've compiled F# from this sources and I've installed PowerPack archive from MS's site.

I'm trying to compile this code (http://claret.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/) using makefile below
OPTIONS=--target:library --out:bin/Debug/Lexer.dll --mlcompatibility
FSC=fsharpc --noframework --nologo $(OPTIONS)    
LIBS=-r:/usr/lib/fsharp/FSharp.Core.dll \
    -r:/usr/lib/mono/4.0/mscorlib.dll \
    -r:/usr/lib/mono/4.0/System.dll \
    -r:/usr/lib/fsharp/FSharp.PowerPack.dll \
    -r:/usr/lib/fsharp/FSharp.PowerPack.Compatibility.dll \
    -r:/usr/lib/fsharp/FSharp.PowerPack.Build.Tasks.dll \

        fslex clexer.fsl
        $(FSC) $(LIBS) LexingStub.fs pretty.fs errormsg.fs cabs.fs cabshelper.fs whitetrack.fs lexerhack.fs \
               Tokens.fs clexer.fs Lexer.fs


And F# compiler crashes. https://gist.github.com/1238249

I don't know is this problem mono's or F#'s. Can u give me a tip?

Best wishes,

P.S. Makefile is not a problem. I have the same crash while using monodevelop.

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