[Mono-list] using piep with Process

Leonel Florin Selles leonel06013 at cfg.jovenclub.cu
Fri Apr 15 16:33:03 EDT 2011

Hi, here I'm again:

Well, now I want to execute this Linux shell command "users | wc -w",
through this I get the numbers of users that are using the system, for
example, if there are the user "Florin" and "root" logged, that command
will give me the number 2, and if your see the command "users" return the

florin root

and using pipe (|) I send this list to "wc -w", which count the numbers of

Now, using Process in C# I got this

System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo commandDetails = new
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo ("users | wc -w");
			commandDetails.UseShellExecute = false;
			commandDetails.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

			System.Diagnostics.Process command = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start

			string numberOfUser = command.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();

but when I execute the program I realize that I'm executing two command in
one, there are any choose to use a pipe.

Algunos suelen hayar su destino en el sendero que toman para evitarlo.
Tu mente es como el agua, cuando esta agitada se vuelve dificir ver, pero
si dejas que se calme, la respuesta se vuelve clara.
El ayer es historia, el mañana es un misterio, pero el hoy es un obcequio,
por eso se llama presente.

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