[Mono-list] Unspecific error: System.Exception: Generic Error [GDI+ status: GenericError]

Yves Goergen nospam.list at unclassified.de
Thu Oct 28 12:48:16 EDT 2010

On 27.10.2010 14:36 CE(S)T, Sebastien Pouliot wrote:
> Please make a test case, as small as possible, and fill a bug report.

I have attached a very minimal test case that reliably triggers the
exception error on my system. It's really nothing more than creating a
new bitmap and saving it to disk. It doesn't even require any drawing
operations or something else to see it.

> p.s. the code you showed is working (unless your libgdiplus was not
> compiled with PNG support) but there's likely something done earlier
> than is generating the error at save-time. You'll need to track what
> exactly where this occurs to make your test case.

If I try to save as GIF or TIFF instead, I get a FileNotFound exception.
Saving as JPEG or PNG gives me this general exception.

All works fine on Windows with installed .NET 2.0 and others. Compiled
with Visual Studio 2005.

I have two installations of Ubuntu 10.4, both show the same behaviour.

I have installed mono-mcs on one of the systems and compiled this source
file on the Linux box but the problem with the executable remains. (FTR,
the command is 'mcs -r:System.Drawing Program.cs'.)

Filing a bug requires some account Idon't currently have. I also assume
that fixes will at most apply to future versions which I don't have in
my package repository. For now, I'd like to know whether somebody can
reproduce this critical error and whether there are work-arounds.

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.list at unclassified.de>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de
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