[Mono-list] Controlling WCF Soap serialization in 2.8 - bug?

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Tue Nov 2 03:08:00 EDT 2010

The original post on nabble does not somehow transferred to this list.

svcutil and wsdl importer got a couple of fixes, so this exact error 
does not show up on git master.

Though this brings another kind of error. That sounds like a bug, but 
since the wsdl and schema sets are too huge to investigate, I'd like to 
ask for a bug report with isolated small repro schema and code, and wait 
for that.

For the one from the original post, XmlSerializerFormatAttribute won't 
work (not implemented this minor stuff yet) and hence 
XmlElementAttribute won't work either.

Atsushi Eno

On 2010/11/01 22:27, jddcef wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in a similar question and would like to know what a solution
> is or where to start looking for a solution or a codebase:
> Trying to generate code as follows (svcutil version
> svcutil http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex
>> svcutil http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex
>> Mono service contract conversion tool - Copyright (C) 2006
>> Novell, Inc.
>> Attempting to download metadata from
>> 'http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex' using
>> DISCO..
>> Disco found documents at the following URLs:
>> - WSDL document at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?wsdl=wsdl0
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd10
>> - WSDL document at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?wsdl
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd0
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd1
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd2
>> - DISCO document at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?disco
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd4
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd5
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd6
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd7
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd8
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd9
>> - Xml Schema at
>> http://externalappapi.mxit.com:9151/ExternalAppAPI/Comms/mex?xsd=xsd3
>> Generating files..
>> Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be
>> null.
>> Parameter name: collection
>>    at
>> System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.CodeDom.CodeExpression].CheckCollection
>> (IEnumerable`1 collection) [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>>    at
>> System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.CodeDom.CodeExpression].AddRange
>> (IEnumerable`1 collection) [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>>    at
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceContractGenerator.GenerateImplementationClientMethod
>> (System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration type,
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ContractDescription cd,
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.OperationDescription od, Boolean async,
>> System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference&  returnTypeFromMessageContract) [0x00000]
>> in<filename unknown>:0
>>    at
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceContractGenerator.AddImplementationClientMethods
>> (System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration type,
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ContractDescription cd) [0x00000] in
>> <filename unknown>:0
>>    at
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceContractGenerator.GenerateProxyClass
>> (System.ServiceModel.Description.ContractDescription cd,
>> System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace cns) [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>>    at
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceContractGenerator.GenerateServiceContractType
>> (System.ServiceModel.Description.ContractDescription contractDescription)
>> [0x00000] in<filename unknown>:0
>>    at Mono.ServiceContractTool.Driver.Run (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
>> in<filename unknown>:0
>>    at Mono.ServiceContractTool.Driver.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
>> in<filename unknown>:0
> That's the output I get above.
> Regards,
> David

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