[Mono-list] Has Anyone Read UDP Data with Mono?

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Sun May 9 13:03:57 EDT 2010

On 09.05.2010 17:58, Steve Ricketts wrote:
> Alan, majorly lost on your UDP receiver example.  It doesn't look anything
> like what I was trying... which is probably a good thing given my approach
> hasn't worked at all.  I don't get where the ISearcher or UpnpSearcher are
> defined.  Sorry, but I'm totally lost here.

I'm attaching a basic example.


	mono udpreceiver.exe 8756

Sender, if the receiver is on local host:

	mono udpsender.exe 8756

Sender, if the receiver is somewhere else:

	mono udpsender.exe x.x.x.x 8756

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