[Mono-list] Upgrading Mono from source release: protocol

Thierry Lafage thierry.lafage at inria.fr
Wed Mar 24 04:19:21 EDT 2010


Quite the same for me but without $VERSION. My $MONO_PREFIX never 
changes, but points to a symbolic link. To change Mono version, I simply 
change the symlink.
Example to switch between version x and version y:
# set version x
ln -s /path/to/Mono-version-x $MONO_PREFIX
# and then switch to version y
ln -s /path/to/Mono-version-y $MONO_PREFIX

Note that if $MONO_PREFIX is a real directory, this will be harmless, 
but my script ensures that $MONO_PREFIX is a symlink before doing anything.

The inconvenient here is that you can't have 2 shells with different 
Mono version.


Thierry Lafage.

Robert Jordan a écrit :
> On 23.03.2010 23:06, Abe Gillespie wrote:
>> I've been wondering about this for a while now, and since I'm running
>> more and more sites on Mono, I figured it'd be nice to have an
>> official process in place.  What is the best and official way to
>> upgrade Mono?  The scenario here is compiling from source.
>> What I usually do is this:
>> 1.  Download all the source packages into
>> /usr/local/src/mono-<latest-version>  (libgdi, mono, xsp, and mod_mono)
>> 2.  Unpack everything.
>> 3.  Configure and build each.
>> 4.  Navigate into the /usr/local/src/mono-<previous-version>  dir and
>> run the "make uninstall" script for each package.
>> 5.  Navigate back into /usr/local/src/mono-<latest-version>  and run
>> the "make install" script for each package.
>> 6.  Finally, I delete the<previous-version>  sources and tar and zip
>> the<latest-version>  sources.
> I'm using /opt/mono-<version>-<my-version>/ as a prefix and a couple
> of shell scripts that can be sourced to set the environment accordingly:
> VERSION=2-6-99
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$MONO_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig
> export MANPATH=$MONO_PREFIX/share/man:$MANPATH
> PS1='[mono-$VERSION] `hostname --fqdn` [\w] \$ '
> I'm never uninstalling because /opt/mono-x-y can be easily "rm -rf"-ed.
> http://www.mono-project.com/Parallel_Mono_Environments
> Robert
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