[Mono-list] Powershell over Linux

Chris Patti cpatti at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 14:44:11 EST 2010

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Ben Gamari <bgamari.foss at gmail.com> wrote:

> Excerpts from Andrew Brehm's message of Mon Mar 01 05:35:06 -0500 2010:
> > I feel your pain. I would also love to use Powershell on (in my case) Mac
> OS
> > X.
> Not to sidetrack the conversation but what exactly can you do in
> Powershell that you can't do in Bash/csh/Python/Ruby/Perl?
> It seems that Powershell is just another misguided attempt by Microsoft
> to emulate Unix facilities while ignoring the principle of orthogonality
> that gives the Unix tools so much of their power. I utterly fail to see
> why you should need yet another syntax just to do basic scripting. It
> seems they just created another language instead of fixing their
> completely useless command line shell (cmd.exe).
> I'll give Microsoft credit where credit is due (the CLR is a pretty
> excellent design and F# is a wonderful language), but command line
> scripting has never been their strength.
> - Ben
[This discussion is really rather off topic.  We should go find a Powershell
forum if we want to continue discussing this :) ]

Hi Ben;

With respect, you're missing the point.

Powershell enables a kind of scripting that is only recently beginning to
emerge in the UNIX world.  The Kross scripting environment from the KDE
project - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kross_%28KDE%29 and Applescript from
Apple are more suitable analogues.

Whereas in the UNIX model you invoke applications and use stdio to pipe
their input and output to files, the screen, or each other, in the
Powershell model, you send commands or queries to running applications, or
the Windows operating system itself.

So, they really are apples and oranges.  You might prefer the UNIX model -
in some ways I do, but that doesn't make Powershell an inferior design.

(Going back to lurking now.  Enough off topic banter :)

Christopher Patti - Geek At Large | GTalk: cpatti at gmail.com | AIM:
chrisfeohpatti | P: (260) 54PATTI
"Technology challenges art, art inspires technology." - John Lasseter, Pixar
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