[Mono-list] PFX still doesn't work correctly (in Mono 2.6.4)

Yury Serdyuk Yury at serdyuk.botik.ru
Wed Jul 7 18:45:10 EDT 2010

Jérémie Laval wrote:

>The other 100% thread is simply your main thread waiting on completion of
>the loop, it's not like it would do useful work (although it could indeed
>not be 100% there, I will look into that).
In any case, Microsoft PFX doesn't demonstrate such behaviour -
again, if we start the code

>>using System;
>> using System.Threading;
>> public class Test_PFX_For {
>>  public static void Main ( String[] args ) {
>>   int num_threads = Convert.ToInt32 ( args [ 0 ] );
>>   ParallelOptions po = new ParallelOptions
>>   {
>>    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = num_threads
>>   };
>>   Parallel.For ( 0, 100, po, i =>
>>   {
>>    long k = 0;
>>    while ( true ){
>>     k++;
>>     k--;
>>    }
>>   });
>>  }
>> }
 >Test_PFX_For.exe 1
then, as we expect , only one thread has been started.


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