[Mono-list] Problem with mono WCF (compatibility with .NET ??)

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Tue Apr 27 20:04:30 EDT 2010


Well, can you please file a bug on bugzilla with the actual *runnable* 
code? I don't think asking often for missing parts of code (for example, 
Identity type) is very worth in this list.

Atsushi Eno

On 2010/04/27 18:32, Jspoon wrote:
> Hi, thank you for your answer.
>>> If there are not allowed characters in XML, then it will be raised. But
>>> there are couple of other chances that it's not receiving expected XMLs.
>>> For example, some people use BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement with
>>> HttpTransportBindingElement, which might bring wrong (unexpected) binary
>>> format error.
>>> Can you post the actual code that reproduces your problem?
> There is my service model configuration. I use default basicHttpBinding
> <system.serviceModel>
>          <behaviors>
>              <serviceBehaviors>
>                  <behavior name="bAuthentication">
> 					<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpGetUrl="wsdl" />
> 					<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true"/>
>                  </behavior>
>              </serviceBehaviors>
>          </behaviors>
>          <services>
>              <service behaviorConfiguration="bAuthentication"
> name="WASOLIC.ServiceLogic.AuthenticationService.Authentication">
>                  <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding"
> contract="WASOLIC.ServiceLogic.AuthenticationService.IAuthenticationService"/>
>              </service>			
>          </services>
>      </system.serviceModel>
> In my wcf operations I return this data contract (wrap data as Result and
> Error):
> [DataContract]
>      public class ServiceReturnValueWrapper<T>
>      {
>          [DataMember]
>          public ServiceData<T>  Result { get; set; }
>          [DataMember]
>          public WasolicException Error { get; set; }
>      }
> where ServiceData<T>  is generic type (because I return from different
> function different result):
> [DataContract]
>      public class ServiceData<T>
>      {
>          [DataMember]
>          public T Data { get; set; }
>      }
> If error occured, it is after call this function (error occured 3 times from
> 5):
> public ServiceReturnValueWrapper<SecurityToken>  IssueNewSecurityToken()
>          {
>              return new ServiceReturnValueWrapper<SecurityToken>
>              {
>                  Result = new ServiceData<SecurityToken>
>                  {
>                      Data = new SecurityToken
>                      {
>                          Identity = new Identity()
>                          {
>                              UserName = string.Empty,
>                              PasswordHash = string.Empty,
>                              PasswordSalt =
> Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hash.GetSalt(5)),
>                              IsAuthenticated = false,
>                              Roles = new List<string>(),
>                              Profile = -1,
>                              DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
>                              DateLastUpdate = DateTime.Now
>                          }
>                      }
>                  },
>                  Error = null
>              };
>          }
> Security token contains Identity which contains data member above in code.
> I think that problem is with PasswordSalt in Identity.  Because error
> occured sometimes (3 times from 5) because Salt is random generated -
> sometimes generated chars which is ok for wcf, but sometimes it is no ok.
> Generating salt is from this function:
> public static byte[] GetSalt(int _size)
>          {
>              byte[] saltBytes = new byte[_size];
>              RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
>              rng.GetNonZeroBytes(saltBytes);
>              return saltBytes;
>          }
>>> And it'd be a lot nicer if you try mono from trunk instead of old 2.6.3.
> How can I simply get trunk version for Windows? And how install it?

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