[Mono-list] Extremely poor performance of ODFConverter/Mono on Linux vs Windows .Net

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Fri Oct 16 00:20:49 EDT 2009

On 2009/10/15 23:02, RomanP wrote:
> Hi All,
> I checked the performance of ODFConverter application for DOCX ->  ODT
> conversion (http://sourceforge.net/projects/odf-converter) for Windows and
> Linux and was unpleasantly surprised by significantly worse performance on
> Linux platform.
> I tested both platforms in VMware player on the same computer to have the
> same hardware.
> Linux version was taken from
> http://katana.oooninja.com/w/odf-converter-integrator/download
> Windows version was taken from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/odf-converter/files/ODF%20Add-in%20for%20Office/
> Test files "ODF_text_reference_v3.odt" and "Handboek_OOo2Writer_NL.odt"
> were taken from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/odf-converter/files/Sample%20Files%20for%20Open%20XML/Release%203.0/DIaLOGIKa-Testsuite-DOCX-3.0.zip/download
> Results are following:
>                                             | Windows | Linux
> ODF_text_reference_v3.odt      | 4,5         | 10,0
> Handboek_OOo2Writer_NL.odt   |  9,0        | 49,0
> The results from second file is more representable for my case because
> conversion time for my typical document is also about 40 sec.
> So ODFConverter on Linux runs 5 times slower than on Windows!!!
> Can the performance on Linux be improved? What is the explanation for this
> fact?

Because no one could have ever worked on XSLT perf. stuff as well as 
bugfixes, and every other XML pieces as well as globalization, web 
services, data, and WCF. Could you?

Atsushi Eno

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