[Mono-list] Is Mono serious? Is Mono still alive?

Miguel de Icaza miguel at novell.com
Tue Nov 3 14:50:41 EST 2009


> I believe Miguel said about a dozen of Novell devs worked on Mono (+
> contributors), I don't know much other than that.

There are currently some 34 full time developers at Novell working on
Mono related technologies: Mono (core, class libraries, compilers), Mono
for Visual Studio, MonoTouch, MonoDevelop and Moonlight.

> 2-3) I agree about the lack of updated content / documentation... I believe
> Olive (or part of it?) was merged with the main Mono branch at some point,
> but I don't know the details.

WindowsBase, WCF and a handful of other pieces have moved to mcs.   

Olive now only contains WWF and WPF, and nobody at Novell is actively
working on either one of those.   If anyone feels like they really need
those, they could start with the code on SVN.


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