[Mono-list] Debian support

Mike Christensen imaudi at comcast.net
Tue Mar 31 15:11:46 EDT 2009

Ok here's my "Total friggen moron's guide to installing Mono 2.4 on 
Ubuntu Server" so far:

-) Logon to machine
-) At bash prompt, type: sudo bash
-) Enter password, you should now be root.
-) Type: apt-get install gcc (this will install C compilers)
-) Type: apt-get install pkg-config (this is a dependency for libgdiplus)
-) Type: apt-get install bison (should only take a few seconds to install)
-) Type: wget 
-) You should now have the file libgdiplus-2.4.tar.bz2 in your ~ directory
-) Type: tar -xpjf libgdiplus-2.4.tar.bz2 (this will decompress the tar 
file into its own directory)
-) You should now have a directory called libgdiplus-2.4
-) Type: cd libgdiplus-2.4/
-) Type: ./configure

Right now the error is:

No package 'glib-2.0' found

Should I apt-get install this from somewhere, or is there another tar 
file I need to decompress and build?  Thanks!!


Mike Christensen wrote:
> Hi - After decompressing the libgdiplus-2.4.tar file and running 
> ./configure I get the error:
> configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
> Daniel Soto wrote:
>> I can describe a summary of how I get Mono 2.4 from sources, it's not difficult.
>> I assume using Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (my system have it installed)
>> Requirements:
>> build-essential
>> Bison installed (apt-get install bison)
>> libgdiplus-2.4 installed (I got it from mono sources also, then
>> ./configure && make && make install)
>> Get mono-2.4.tar.bz2, decompress it.
>> Change to directory created after decompress.
>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
>> make
>> sudo make install
>> And... I believe that is all. The make command will take a long time to compile.
>> You can install XSP in the same way.
>> To asp.net support for apache web server (asumming apache 2):
>> sudo apt-get install apache-threaded-dev
>> Get mod_modo-2.4 and decompress it.
>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
>> make
>> sudo make install
>> When it finishes, make sure that mod_mono.conf is created in
>> /etc/apache2 folder.
>> Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
>> Search for this section:
>>          # Include module configuration:
>>          Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.load
>>          Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.conf
>> Add the following line, below.
>>           Include /etc/apache2/mod_mono.conf
>> At the end of configuration file, add the following
>>            MonoServerPath /usr/local/bin/mod-mono-server2
>> Restart apache
>>            sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
>> And you should have mono 2.4 with .net support for apache, and xsp2
>> light webserver for development. Type mono --version to get the
>> version currently installed.
>> Those were the steps that I followed to get mono 2.4 fully functional
>> in a fresh Ubuntu Intrepid install.
>> Let me know if you need more help. I can give a hand.
>> Cheers.
>> 2009/3/31 Mike Christensen <imaudi at comcast.net>:
>>> Is there a step by step on how to do this on a fresh Ubuntu install?  It
>>> took me forever to figure out all the packages I needed to install
>>> first, and now I just get "Error 2" when I make.  Sigh..
>>> FlappySocks wrote:
>>>> I have just compiled mono 2.4 on Ubuntu, with no problems.  Fantastic. Well
>>>> done mono.
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