[Mono-list] Can WCF binary protocol used for service

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Wed Aug 26 03:31:55 EDT 2009

First of all, as long as you stick to mono 2.4 it is not available.

In the context of full CLR, binary data contract serialization is
already implemented in svn trunk.
Binary message exchange (NetTcpBinding) is implemented too but
may not work; our code around it has been changing these months
i.e. it may be too hot iron for you.

Regarding Moonlight support, it does not include required classes
in 2.1 WCF assemblies. Though it should not be hard. We can ask JB
to take care of it when he becomes free from monotouch work.

Atsushi Eno

Andrus wrote:
> I created asmx web service in Mono 2.4 / Linux
> This service is by LOB Appl Silverlight clients.
> To improve perfomance, I'm looking for a way to use WCF binary protocol for
> data transfer (SL3 supports this in client side).
> Is WCF binary protocol implemented in Mono and will it interoperate with MS
> SL3 clients ?
> Andrus.
> References:
> from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa751889.aspx
> "BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement,the binary message encoder, uses a
> compact binary format and isoptimized for WCF to WCF communication, and
> hence is not interoperable.This is also the most performant encoder of all
> the encoders WCFprovides."
> from
> http://blogs.msdn.com/silverlightws/archive/2009/03/20/what-s-new-with-web-services-in-silverlight-3-beta.aspx
> "The interop cases is where binary should not be used (if the client
> istalking to a non-WCF service), since binary is a WCF-specific encoding"
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