[Mono-list] Does DirectoryEntry.Properties[].Remove() work?

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Wed Apr 29 11:26:36 EDT 2009

I've got a couple utilities I wrong in C#/Mono.  I can add values to
attributes of an LDAP object..


.. which works well.  But attempting to remove a value from an attribute
seems to be a no-op...


... as nothing seems to happen.  The value does disappear from the
*local* copy of the LDAP object but no modification request is sent to
the server [verified with Wireshark].  For example...

Console.WriteLine("  {0} members.", g.Properties["memberuid"].Count);
foreach(string uid in drops)
Console.WriteLine("  {0} members.", g.Properties["memberuid"].Count);

... says...

Verifying group sales
  57 members.
  31 members.

... but the contents of the DSA are unchanged.

OpenGroupware developer: awilliam at whitemice.org
OpenGroupare & Cyrus IMAPd documenation @

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