[Mono-list] SslStream

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Tue Jun 17 13:08:29 EDT 2008

OK, you are using old mono. That's why.

Atsushi Eno

Peter Bradley wrote:
> Ysgrifennodd Atsushi Eno:
>> Where do you get NotImplementedException? The stack trace would help.
>> I have implemented SslStream some months or years ago and now
>> there is no code that throws NIE in SslStream itself.
>> Atsushi Eno
> Hi Atsushi,
> First, many thanks for your quick reply.  Here is the stack trace, some 
> lines from the offending assembly and the response from mono --version 
> (it's 1.2.5, which is the latest for openSUSE 10.3 in the standard 
> repositories):
> -------------->> Stack Trace <<----------------
> peter at linux:/home/peter/VS2008Projects/EPP.NET/EppClientConsoleUI/bin/Debug> 
> mono EppClientConsoleUI.exe
> ** (EppClientConsoleUI.exe:5119): WARNING **: : mprotect failed: 
> Permission denied
> ** (EppClientConsoleUI.exe:5119): WARNING **: : mprotect failed: 
> Permission denied
> ** (EppClientConsoleUI.exe:5119): WARNING **: : mprotect failed: 
> Permission denied
> ** (EppClientConsoleUI.exe:5119): WARNING **: : mprotect failed: 
> Permission denied
> Please enter your user id : H110172
> Please enter your password: *******
> Unhandled Exception: System.NotImplementedException: The requested 
> feature is not implemented.
>  at System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient (System.String 
> targetHost, 
> System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection 
> clientCertificates, SslProtocols sslProtocolType, Boolean 
> checkCertificateRevocation) [0x00000]
>  at uk.co.special.Epp.EppClient.Connect (System.String uid, 
> System.String pwd) [0x00000]
>  at uk.co.special.Epp.EppClientConsoleUI.Run () [0x00000]
>  at uk.co.special.Epp.EppClientConsoleUI.Main (System.String[] args) 
> [0x00000]
> peter at linux:/home/peter/VS2008Projects/EPP.NET/EppClientConsoleUI/bin/Debug> 
> ----------------->>> The code (with context) from EppClient.Connect() 
> <<<-----------------
>            try
>            {
>                client = new TcpClient(serverName, portNumber);
>                SslStream sslStream = new SslStream(client.GetStream(),
>                                                    false,
>                                                    new 
> RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(CertificateValidationCallback),
>                                                    null);
>                sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(serverName,
>                                                certificates,
>                                                SslProtocols.Default,
>                                                false);
>                return ReadGreeting(sslStream);
>            }
>            catch (ArgumentNullException ane)
>            {
>                throw new EppException( "Server name or SslStream inner 
> stream " +
>                                        " is a null reference. " +
>                                        "\nException message is: " +
>                                        ane.Message);
>            }
>            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException aoore)
>            {
>                throw new EppException( "Port number is not between 
> MinPort and MaxPort. " +
>                                        "\nException message is: " +
>                                        aoore.Message);
>            }
>            catch (SocketException se)
>            {
>                throw new EppException( "An error occurred when accessing 
> the socket. " +
>                                        "See the Remarks section for more 
> information. " +
>                                        "\nExceptions message is: " +
>                                        se.Message);
>            }
>            catch (ArgumentException ae)
>            {
>                throw new EppException( "Inner SslStream stream is either 
> not readable " +
>                                        "or not writable." +
>                                        "\nException message is: " +
>                                        ae.Message);
>            }
> ----------------------------->>> mono version <<<-----------------
> peter at linux:/home/peter/VS2008Projects/EPP.NET/EppClientConsoleUI/bin/Debug> 
> mono --version
> Mono JIT compiler version 1.2.5 (tarball)
> Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Novell, Inc and Contributors. www.mono-project.com
>        TLS:           __thread
>        GC:            Included Boehm (with typed GC)
>        SIGSEGV:       normal
>        Architecture:  amd64
>        Disabled:      none
> peter at linux:/home/peter/VS2008Projects/EPP.NET/EppClientConsoleUI/bin/Debug> 
> -------------------------------->>><<<------------------------------------
> Again, many thanks.  I hope the output above will shed some light on 
> things.
> Thanks
> Peter

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