[Mono-list] How to build mono w/o glib (pb)

Alessandro Vesely vesely at tana.it
Sun Jul 13 09:48:15 EDT 2008

I wrote:
> FWIW, mono compiles quite nicely with gcc 2.96, except for a few C 
> twists. However, make check freezes when it tries to verify 
> ByteFX.Data.dll. I'll seek your help again as soon as I can figure out 
> what's happening.

Astonishingly, that seems to be a bug in glib's memory allocation. I 
didn't file a bug on bugzilla.gnome.org (yet); however, I reported it 
on the mailing list, see:

Why didn't that come out before? Or am I missing something? I 
configured mono as

  ./configure \

Is excluding SSA uncommon enough to justify the possibility that a bug 
in glib has remained unnoticed until now? I get the bug on "Compiling 
120 ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommandBuilder" in make check. 
Everytime. That is on the mono-107638 snapshot that I retrieved a few 
days ago. In case someone is willing to have a try, I've saved a copy 
in http://www.tana.it/sw/mono/mono-107638.tar.bz2 while glib-2.16.4 is 
still current on http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/glib/2.16/

Any hint is welcome

please cc to me your response

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