[Mono-list] Mono with other languages

Dan Smithers dsmithers at talktalk.net
Mon Feb 11 05:40:37 EST 2008

Jonathan Pryor wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 09:43 +0000, Dan Smithers wrote:
>> Can I use Mono with languages other than C# on a Linux platform?
> Yes.  Mono doesn't care about language, it cares about IL, so any
> compiler that generates IL can generate assemblies that will execute
> under Mono.
> So the only real questions are:
> 1. What language do you want to use?

C++, Python

> 2. Does that language have a compiler that runs on Linux?

several - I would probably use gcc for C++.

> If your language's compiler doesn't run on Linux, you can instead
> compile your code on Windows and copy the resulting assemblies to Linux
> (though care does need to be taken to ensure that you only use
> types/methods that Mono has implemented; MoMA[0] can help in this).  For
> example, C++/CLI on Windows with the /clr:safe flag should produce
> assemblies that Mono will execute.

Are there any tricks needed to get this to work?

I suppose I should explain a bit about what I'm trying to achieve.

We have core software developed under Linux, that we are hoping to make
accessible to Windows developers across a network. We are planning to do
this using network communication and also by exposing parts of the core

To do this I want to provide an interface that can be used from Windows
(i.e. .Net) platforms and implemented in an agnostic way. Mono seems a
natural choice for this, but I am getting rather frustrated by C#.

I want to be able to write my interface libraries and call them from
Mono, .Net and also from native compiled code.



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