[Mono-list] Windows.Forms Controls Drawing

Phillip N. pneumann at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 10:48:01 EST 2008

Hello all,

Im writing a program with Windows Forms, and got a problem i have no
solution jet.
Im attaching the files related.

The problems are:

1.- You can see two "Agents" in forms. They are transparent in the sense
that you can see the form background below them. But the are not
transparent with each other. Just move them so one get below the other.
In the real version, im drawing much more than two Agents, and the
probability of a overlap is high... 
How can i make them transparent to each other too?

2.- When you move the agents after moving the Window, the movement start
to be not correct (it starts moving from another point in the form). Is
this a bug in my application?

Thanks in advance!

PD: gmcs -r:System.Windows.Forms -r:System.Drawing *.cs ...

Phillip N. <pneumann at gmail.com>
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