[Mono-list] GetUpdateCommand/ExecuteNonQuery adapter.Update

Chris Howie cdhowie at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 09:49:27 EST 2008

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Wolfgang Mauer <W.Mauer at top-soft.info> wrote:
>                        string commandText = String.Format("UPDATE `{0}` SET", table.TableName);
>                        string whereText = " WHERE";

>                                        whereText += String.Format(" `{0}` = ?{0}", column.ColumnName);

>                                        commandText += String.Format(" `{0}` = ?{0},", column.ColumnName);

Not related to your crash and stuff, but if there's a lot of columns
in the table then you'll get much better performance if you use a
StringBuilder to build your query strings.

Chris Howie

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