[Mono-list] Mono Embedding: manage events

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Mon Apr 7 15:08:49 EDT 2008

Ing. Francesco Carsana wrote:
> Thank you for the example Robert!
>  >    // call AttachEvent(session);
>  >    args [0] = session;
>  >    mono_runtime_invoke (attach_event_method, NULL,
>  >           args, &exception);
> In this piece of code, what's the type of session?
> Is it a MonoObject* ?
> I've tried this:
>    MonoObject*   session;
>    MonoAssembly* assembly;
>    MonoClass*    klass;
>    MonoObject*   session;
>    MonoDomain*   domain;
>    MonoImageOpenStatus status; 
>    domain = mono_jit_init("session.dll");
>    assembly = mono_assembly_open("session.dll", &status);
>    klass = mono_class_from_name(mono_assembly_get_image(assembly),
>                                 "namespace", "Session");
>    session = mono_object_new(domain, klass);
>    mono_runtime_object_init(session);
>    mono_add_internal_call("ConnectionEventWrapper::UnmanagedHandler",
>                       &icall_ConnectionEventWrapper_UnmanagedHandler);
>    gpointer args[1];
>    args[0] = session;
>    mono_runtime_invoke(attach_event_method, NULL,
>                        args, &exception);
> Is it right?
> In this way I can't catch the event in C++:
> it compiles but it doesn't work.
> The Session class in session.dll raise the event but
> the function icall_ConnectionEventWrapper_UnmanagedHandler is
> never called...
> Is there something wrong?

Since you're creating the Session object inside the code above,
I wonder how the event is fired at all.

Your code is equivalent to

Session s = new Session ();
s.SomeEvent += someHandler;

This code does not fire any events, unless there is some external 
stimulus in your real code.


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