[Mono-list] Web.config Authentication problems

Rob motorhead9876 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 17 09:24:10 EDT 2007

Anyone? I still haven't figured this one out. It seems like the auth cookie isn't getting set. It works with windows/IIS, but not on my linux/Mono system.

Rob <motorhead9876 at yahoo.com> wrote: My configuration works fine on IIS/Windows, but on linux/Mono I can't get past the login page. I keep getting a 302 and bounced back to my login page after a successful login.

               <authentication mode="Forms">
                                timeout="20" />

                        <deny users="?" verbs="GET,POST" />

These are needed so the login page has access to the css and javascript files (not needed on IIS):

        <location path="js">
                                <allow users ="*" />
        <location path="style">
                                <allow users ="*" />

In my Apache2 httpd.conf file:

Alias /MyApp "/home/me/MyApp"
AddMonoApplications MyApp "/Satube:/home/me/MyApp"
MonoServerPath MyApp /usr/local/mono-1.2.4/bin/mod-mono-server2

<Location /MyApp>
        MonoSetServerAlias MyApp
        SetHandler  mono
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.


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