[Mono-list] Official Mono Repository for Ubuntu?

Natan Vivo nvivo.misc at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 21:56:55 EDT 2007

I saw getdeb, it has Monodevelop 0.15 and that's all.

My source today is http://www.viraptor.info/ that has mono 1.2.5 and getdeb
that has monodevelop 0.15.

But those aren't official packages. viraraptor isn't even signed and is not
a trustable source. =(

2007/9/3, Brandon Perry < brandon at thresholdofthought.com>:
> If I am not mistaken, I believe getdeb has pretty up-to-date builds of
> mono stuff.
> On Mon, 2007-09-03 at 22:37 -0300, Natan Vivo wrote:
> > Hi. I have been searching for this information on the archives, but
> > couldn't find a definitive answer to this question. So, here it goes:
> >
> > Are there any plans to have an official mono repository for Ubuntu
> > that have updated versions?
> >
> > I mean, really official packages, released along with the ones for
> > Suse and RedHat, that are really updated and follow the release
> > versions, not what we have today...
> >
> > The linux installer for all dists doesn't really count. It doesn't go
> > well with a package manager. There are some repositories like
> > badgerports, but they are for badger, and don't work well on
> > feisty...
> >
> > As a long time .NET developer, I would love to develop stuff for linux
> > using mono but right now it is easier to install it on windows and
> > code using SharpDevelop then on my ubuntu machine.
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