[Mono-list] Mono Oracle Integration Issue

Ashish Goyal agoyal08 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 11:15:26 EDT 2007


 I converted Sun One Asp code to ASP.NET using ASP2ASPX (www.netcoole.com)
 use with mono. I have application which uses databases. I have installed
 oracle client on the server. I can connect the database thru' sqlplus and
 a tnsping.

 But I am getting the following error which I tried to load a page with
 refrence to oracle database connection.

 Parser Error
 Description: Error parsing a resource required to service this request.
 Review your source file and modify it to fix this error.

 Error message:

 Only 1 page is allowed

 File name: /srv/www/htdocs/test/inc_cpc2ds.aspx
     Line: 7
 Source Error:      Original File Name: C:\120n\120\asp2aspx\inc_cpc2ds.asp

%@ Page language="vb" Debug="true"%>
     Dim MM_dataconn_STRING As String

Below is my code to connect to oracle database:

     Generated by ASP2ASPX 4.2.
     ASP2ASPX home page: http://www.netcoole.com
     Original File Name: C:\120n\120\asp2aspx\inc_cpc2ds.asp

<% @ Page language="VB" Debug="true" %>
    Dim MM_dataconn_STRING As String
    MM_dataconn_STRING = "DSN=CPC2DS;UID=scada;PWD=scada;"

Either it is a oracle mono integration issue or visual basic programming
 issue. Is somebody can help me in this matter?

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