[Mono-list] TypeInitializationException in ComponentModel

Andrus kobruleht2 at hot.ee
Sun Oct 21 16:51:03 EDT 2007

Code below causes  TypeInitializationException in 1.2.5

In .net 2 it works OK.

How to fix ?


using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

static class Program {
 static void Main() {
  try {
   Customer Customer = new Customer();
   Customer.SetValue("Name", "Marc");
  catch (Exception ex) {

public class Customer : EntityBase<Customer> {
 string id;

 public string Id {
  get {
   return id;
  set {
   id = value;

public abstract class EntityBase<T> : Bag {
 public virtual void SetValue(string propertyName, string propertyValue) {
  PropertyDescriptor p = 
  ITypeDescriptorContext ctx = new SimpleContext(this, p);
  object val;
  val = p.Converter.ConvertFromString(ctx, propertyValue);
  p.SetValue(this, val);

 public virtual string GetStringValue(string propertyName) {
  PropertyDescriptor p = 
  return p.GetValue(this).ToString();

interface IBag {
 void OnAfterValueChanged(string propertyName);
 void AddHandler(object key, EventHandler value);
 void RemoveHandler(object key, EventHandler value);
 void OnEvent(object key);
 IBagValue GetValue(string propertyName);

interface IBagValue {
 void ResetValue();
 bool IsDefaultValue { get;}
 object Value { get; set;}
 event EventHandler ValueChanged;

interface IBagDefinition {
 IBagValue Create(IBag bag);
 PropertyDescriptor Property { get;}

sealed class BagDefinition<T> : IBagDefinition {
 private readonly PropertyDescriptor property;
 public PropertyDescriptor Property { get { return property; } }
 private readonly T defaultValue;
 public T DefaultValue { get { return defaultValue; } }
 public string Name { get { return Property.Name; } }

 IBagValue IBagDefinition.Create(IBag bag) {
  return new BagValue<T>(bag, this);

 public BagDefinition(string propertyName, Attribute[] attributes) {
  defaultValue = default(T);
  if (attributes != null) {
   foreach (Attribute attrib in attributes) {
    DefaultValueAttribute defAttrib = attrib as
    if (defAttrib != null) {
     defaultValue = (T)defAttrib.Value;
  property = new BagPropertyDescriptor(propertyName, attributes);

 internal class BagPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor {
  public BagPropertyDescriptor(string name, Attribute[] attributes)
   : base(name, attributes) { }

  private IBagValue GetBagValue(object component) {
   return ((IBag)component).GetValue(Name);

  public override object GetValue(object component) {
   return GetBagValue(component).Value;

  public override void SetValue(object component, object value) {
   GetBagValue(component).Value = value;

  public override Type ComponentType {
   get { return typeof(Bag); }

  public override Type PropertyType {
   get { return typeof(T); }

  public override bool IsReadOnly {
   get { return false; }

  public override bool CanResetValue(object component) {
   return true;

  public override void ResetValue(object component) {

  public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component) {
   return !GetBagValue(component).IsDefaultValue;
  public override bool SupportsChangeEvents {
   get { return true; }

  public override void AddValueChanged(object component,
EventHandler handler) {
   GetBagValue(component).ValueChanged += handler;

  public override void RemoveValueChanged(object component,
                EventHandler handler) {
   GetBagValue(component).ValueChanged -= handler;

sealed class BagValue<T> : IBagValue, ITypeDescriptorContext {
 private T value;
 private readonly IBag bag;
 void IBagValue.ResetValue() {
  Value = Definition.DefaultValue;
 bool IBagValue.IsDefaultValue {
  get {
   return EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(Value,
 private readonly BagDefinition<T> definition;
 public IBag Bag { get { return bag; } }
 public BagDefinition<T> Definition { get { return definition; } }
 public BagValue(IBag bag, BagDefinition<T> definition) {
  if (bag == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bag");
  if (definition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("definition");
  this.bag = bag;
  this.definition = definition;
  Value = Definition.DefaultValue;

 public T Value {
  get { return value; }
  set {
   if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(Value, value))
   this.value = value;

 public event EventHandler ValueChanged {
  add { Bag.AddHandler(Definition, value); }
  remove { Bag.RemoveHandler(Definition, value); }

 object IBagValue.Value {
  get { return Value; }
  set { Value = (T)value; }

 IContainer ITypeDescriptorContext.Container {
  get {
   return null;
 object ITypeDescriptorContext.Instance { get { return Bag; } }
 void ITypeDescriptorContext.OnComponentChanged() {
 bool ITypeDescriptorContext.OnComponentChanging() { return true; }
 PropertyDescriptor ITypeDescriptorContext.PropertyDescriptor {
  get { return Definition.Property; }
 object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) {
  return null;

public class Bag : IBag, INotifyPropertyChanged {

 private EventHandlerList events;
 void IBag.AddHandler(object key, EventHandler handler) {
  AddHandler(key, handler);
 void IBag.RemoveHandler(object key, EventHandler handler) {
  RemoveHandler(key, handler);
 void IBag.OnEvent(object key) {
 private void AddHandler(object key, Delegate handler) {
  if (handler == null) return;
  if (events == null) events = new EventHandlerList();
  events.AddHandler(key, handler);
 private void RemoveHandler(object key, Delegate handler) {
  if (events == null || handler == null) return;
  events.RemoveHandler(key, handler);
 private void OnEvent(object key) {
  if (events == null) return;
  EventHandler handler = events[key] as EventHandler;
  if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
 public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged {
  add { AddHandler(EVENT_PropertyChanged, value); }
  remove { RemoveHandler(EVENT_PropertyChanged, value); }
 private static readonly object EVENT_PropertyChanged = new object();
 private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
  if (events == null) return;
  PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = events[EVENT_PropertyChanged] as
  if (handler != null) handler(this, new

 void IBag.OnAfterValueChanged(string propertyName) {

 IBagValue IBag.GetValue(string propertyName) {
  return GetValue(propertyName);

 private readonly Dictionary<string, IBagValue> values =
   new Dictionary<string, IBagValue>(StringComparer.InvariantCulture);

 private IBagValue GetValue(string propertyName) {
  lock (values) {
   IBagValue value;
   if (!values.TryGetValue(propertyName, out value)) {
    value = CreateValue(this, propertyName);
    values.Add(propertyName, value);
   return value;

 static readonly Dictionary<string, IBagDefinition> defintions =
   new Dictionary<string,

 public static PropertyDescriptor AddProperty<T>(string propertyName,
params Attribute[] attributes) {
  BagDefinition<T> def = new BagDefinition<T>(propertyName, attributes);
  lock (defintions) {
   defintions.Add(propertyName, def);
  return def.Property;

 internal static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties() {
  lock (defintions) {
   PropertyDescriptor[] props = new PropertyDescriptor[defintions.Count];
   int i = 0;
   foreach (IBagDefinition def in defintions.Values) {
    props[i++] = def.Property;
   return new PhantomPropertyDescriptorCollection(props, false);

 internal sealed class PhantomPropertyDescriptorCollection :
PropertyDescriptorCollection {

  public PhantomPropertyDescriptorCollection(PropertyDescriptor[]
properties, bool readOnly)
   : base(properties, readOnly) {

  public override PropertyDescriptor Find(string name, bool ignoreCase) {
   PropertyDescriptor prop = base.Find(name, ignoreCase);
   if (prop == null) {
    prop = AddProperty<object>(name);
   return prop;

 static IBagValue CreateValue(IBag bag, string propertyName) {
  lock (defintions) {
   return defintions[propertyName].Create(bag);

 public Bag() { }

 static Bag() {

sealed class BagDescriptionProvider : TypeDescriptionProvider {
 static readonly BagTypeDescriptor descriptor;

 internal static void Initialize() { } // to force static ctor
 static BagDescriptionProvider() {
  ICustomTypeDescriptor parent =
  descriptor = new BagTypeDescriptor(parent);
  TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(new BagDescriptionProvider(), typeof(Bag));
 public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type objectType,
object instance) {
  return descriptor;

 internal static void ResetProperties() {

sealed class BagTypeDescriptor : CustomTypeDescriptor {
 public BagTypeDescriptor(ICustomTypeDescriptor parent)
  : base(parent) {
  if (parent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parent");
 private PropertyDescriptorCollection properties;
 internal void ResetProperties() {
  properties = null;
 public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[]
attributes) {
  return GetProperties();
 public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties() {
  if (properties == null) {
   properties = Bag.GetProperties();
  return properties;

class SimpleContext : ITypeDescriptorContext {
 readonly object instance;
 readonly PropertyDescriptor property;

 internal SimpleContext(object instance, PropertyDescriptor
              property) {
  this.instance = instance;
  this.property = property;

 public IContainer Container { get { return null; } }
 public object Instance { get { return instance; } }
 public void OnComponentChanged() { }
 public bool OnComponentChanging() { return true; }

 public PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor {
  get {
   return property;

 public object GetService(Type serviceType) { return null; }

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