[Mono-list] [ANN] Smokey

Jesse Jones jesjones at mindspring.com
Fri Nov 23 00:21:49 EST 2007

Smokey is a command line tool used to analyze assemblies and report  
problems. Problems include buggy code (e.g. infinite recursion, null  
deref, malformed format string), performance issues (e.g. string  
concatenation in loops, excessive boxing, large structs), violations  
of the .NET design guidelines (e.g. inheriting from  
ApplicationException or ICloneable, naming, and swallowing  
exceptions), and miscellaneous rules like misspelled words in string  

You can download Smokey from the web site:
<https://home.comcast.net/~jesse98/public/Smokey>. The web site also  
has an html report for one of the System assemblies and a list of all  
of Smokey's rules.

Changes from Smokey
* Added 35 new rules:
	BaseSerializable1, missing call to base class serialization  
	BaseSerializable2, missing call to base class GetObjectData.
	BeforeEvent, name of an event starts with "Before" or "After".
	BoolMarshaling, p/invoke method has a bool return type or bool  
argument type that does not have a MarshalAsAttribute.
	CastOpAlternative, type defines a cast operator to Foo but does not  
have ToFooType and FromFooType methods.
	Const1, field is declared static readonly and is initialized with a  
value that can be computed at compile time.
	DataLocale, a System.Data.DataTable or System.Data.DataSet was  
created, but Locale property was not set.
	DeclareSecurity, the assembly does not specify security permissions.
	DeepInheritance, a class has more than four (non Object) super  
classes in its inheritance hierarchy.
	DefaultExceptionCtor, a System.ArgumentException,  
System.ArgumentNullException, System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, or  
System.DuplicateWaitObjectException is default constructed.
	EqualityOperator, a value type overrides Equals, but does not define  
operator== and operator!=.
	ImplicitCast, a type defines an implicit cast operator.
	InlineStaticInit, a reference type declares an explicit static  
	MessageBoxOptions, a method calls  
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show without specifying  
	NanTest, an equality or inequality operator operand is  
System.Single.NaN or System.Double.NaN.
	NonSerializableField, an instance field of a  
System.SerializableAttribute type is not serializable and not marked  
with System.NonSerializedAttribute.
	NoSerializableAttribute, an externally visible type implements  
System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, but is not marked with  
	NotInstantiated, an instantiable non-public type is never instantiated.
	OperatorAlternative, an externally visible type defines an operator,  
but does not define a named alternative method.
	OptionalSerialization, a field is decorated with  
OptionalFieldAttribute, but no method in the declaring type is  
decorated with OnDeserializingAttribute or OnDeserializedAttribute.
	PreferredTerm, a externally visible type, method, or argument name  
contains an obsolete term.
	PublicType, the assembly is an application (i.e. it has a main entry  
point), but also has a public type.
	RequireSerializableCtor, the type implements  
System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable but does not implement the  
(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) constructor.
	SerializableCtorAccess, a (SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)  
constructor has the wrong access level.
	SerializableMethods, a method decorated with a Serialization  
attribute has the wrong signature.
	SortedMethods, a classes methods are only mostly sorted.
	SpecialFolder, a string literal is using a special folder path.
	StringCompare, a string is compared to an empty string using Equals  
or operator==.
	SuffixName, a type name does not have the correct suffix (e.g.  
Attribute, EventArgs, Collection, etc).
	SuffixName2 a type name is using a reserved suffix (e.g. Attribute,  
EventArgs, Collection, etc).
	SuffixName3, a type name has suffix which should not be used (e.g.  
Delegate, Enum, Flags).
	TempDir, a string literal contains a path that starts with "/var/ 
tmp", "/tmp", or "C:\Windows\Temp".
	UnsealedAttribute, a public type inherits from System.Attribute, is  
not abstract, and is not sealed.
	UnusedMethod, a private or internal method is never called.
* Only check .Net 2.0 related rules if the assembly is targeting .Net  
2.0 or above.
* We now get a file name for a type if the type has constructors but  
no methods.
* Instead of loading just the assembly being checked we now load all  
of the dependant assemblies which makes life easier for us and allows  
us to do a bit better job in some of the rules.
* Instead of checking for base class finalizers  
DisposeNativeResourcesRule checks for overriden Dispose methods.
* BaseDisposableRule checks for any base Dispose call instead of just  
the immediate base.
* AttributePropertiesRule ignores public fields.	
* Updated EqualsRequiresNullCheck1 description to point out that it  
also fires for infinitely recursive equals methods.
* Use "V_n" if MethodEntry.LocalNamesAmbiguous.
* Allow logging to stdout and stderr.

   -- Jesse

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