[Mono-list] [mono-list] Merging compiled SVN with installed version.

Eric Morgan eric at rengeo.com
Tue Mar 13 15:12:23 EDT 2007

Hey all,

(sorry, long)

So, our software is using mono so we can offer our C# code on linux.  We've
had lots of issues with mono installations, as they vary from customer to
customer.  Additionally, we've found that people that install mono as root,
or in a non local prefix (like.. /usr/) there ends up being weird permission
errors.  Additionally, for some of our code, we need to write to the
executing directory, which is actually mono...

Anyway, we're bundling our own version of mono that's the generic x86 linux
distribution.  We've done a local install, and we have many scripts to run
our program so it uses the supplied version of mono and configurations.  The
problem is, there's some fixes in SVN we'd really like to have, and we don't
know how long before another official release will be.  So, I compiled the
SVN code with a prefix of our local installation, and just had it make
install into that directory.  Everything seemed fine at first, but I started
noticing some issues with our MDI relating to X11.  My question is, do I
need to link everything differently, so it's using the dependencies in our
local installation instead of the ones installed by my distribution?  Is
there some configuration I'm doing wrong?  Is this an inherantly bad idea?
Or is there a regression issue with MDI and X11 that I'm bumping into?

First, if we have a window open and we open a second window, some of the
control don't render properly on the second window.  The window now on the
foreground just won't draw properly and you can actually see part of the
previous window drawn on the top window, which stays drawn even if you move
or resize the top window .  Sometimes it can recieve events and operate OK,
but the more we work in that window the more things break down.  Different
controls start to draw strange, refreshing doesn't work, there's stuff that
doesn't even GET drawn.  The exact same window, if I open it first, works
perfectly.  It's only when *any* window is opened as a second MDI document.
Switching windows works fine.

Second, when I close that top window, I get utterly spammed with X11
errors.  I truncated the stacktrace, I can send if you want, but it's a
pretty generic one.  The error is:
X11 Error encountered:
 Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 Request:     7 (X_ReparentWindow)
 Resource ID: 0x3C05C40
 Serial:      189634
 Hwnd:        Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C40,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C3F, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C32,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C31, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C30,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C2F, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C2A,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C29, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C28,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C27, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C24,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C23, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C20,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C1F, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05C1E,
WholeWindow:0x3C05C1D, Parent:[Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x3C05BF2,
WholeWindow:0x3C05BF1, Parent:[<null>]]]]]]]]]
 Control:     System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox, Text: Diagnostic

Any Advice?  Thanks for the help and sorry about the long email.  I didn't
want to just submit a bug report, because it may not even be a bug.  I want
to double check here.

Eric Morgan
Renegade Geophysics
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