[Mono-list] Port MSSQL implementation as well

Austin Winstanley austin at tradelogic.com
Thu Mar 1 15:17:42 EST 2007

There are many open source implementations of sql that run on linux. You
should try PostgreSql. It implements much of the same functionality as
MSSql. There is also MySql and a number of others, but I think for stored
procedures and views and triggers and everything else that MSSql offers, you
would have to go with PostgreSql...

On 3/1/07, Charles A. Landemaine <landemaine at gmail.com> wrote:
> The Mono project is very interesting and has tremendous potential.
> Unfortunately it's not viable for regular web hosting on Unix, because
> it's missing MSSQL. ASP.NET developers develop their ASPX applications
> with MSSQL for the majority, and if you want to offer MSSQL, you need
> a Windows Server, in the end you're better off using ASPX on a Windows
> server in this case.
> Creating a free implementation of MSSQL for Unix would set the
> industry free from Microsoft, and web hosting companies could offer
> full-featured Windows hosting using just free software, and at the
> same price as LAMP hosting.
> Thanks for your attention,
> --
> Charles A. Landemaine.
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