[Mono-list] mono.data.sqlite mono1.2.4 on windows... needed dll?

Xavi de Blas xaviblas at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 11:54:26 EDT 2007

Hello all

I'm trying to use the new assemblie Mono.Data.Sqlite with mono.1.2.4
on windows (on linux works)

As read here:

i tried this:

using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
static string connectionString = "version = 3; Data source = " + sqlFile;

compiled with:

and on windows does not work, because it needs the sqlite3.dll.

I have some questions:

1.- Why does need this dll on windows and not in linux?
2.- where do i download this dll? i tried some of them, renamed to
sqlite3.dll and none work. Does anyone succeded?
If i rename the linux file: /lib/mono/2.0/Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll to
sqlite3.dll on windows and i put on running dir, it says:
Unhandled exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: sqlite3_open

Also i think the connection string format for this new assemblie ins
not ok on the site:

Instead of:
Data Source=file:SqliteTest.db
Should be (i think)
Data Source=SqliteTest.db

Thanks to all

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