[Mono-list] missing assembly!?!

Brian Chan bchanb at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 09:23:54 EDT 2007

I found the problem.

When using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext.SetData(key,
object), the assembly defining the object must reside in the GAC.  It does
not look in the location of the executing assembly.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yan-ren Tsai [mailto:elleryq at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:06 AM
To: Brian Chan
Subject: Re: [Mono-list] missing assembly!?!

Do you try to set MONO_PATH?

2007/7/7, Brian Chan <bchanb at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to create a monorail project to be run using mono.  But
> I try to run the app I get the following error:
>  root at ndev-linux /home/httpd/html/test# xsp2
> xsp2
> Listening on port: 8080 (non-secure)
> Listening on address:
> Root directory: /home/httpd/html/test
> Hit Return to stop the server.
> Internal error: OutputPage threw an exception
> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly
> 'Castle.Services.Transaction, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' or one of its
> dependencies. The
> system cannot find the file specified.
> File name: 'Castle.Services.Transaction, Version=,
> Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc'
>   at (wrapper xdomain-invoke)
> Mono.WebServer.XSPRequestBroker:Close
> (int,bool)
>   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
> Mono.WebServer.XSPRequestBroker:Close (int,bool)
>   at Mono.WebServer.XSPWorkerRequest.CloseConnection ()
> [0x00000]
>   at System.Web.HttpResponse.Close () [0x00000]
>   at System.Web.HttpApplication.FinalErrorWrite
> (System.Web.HttpResponse response, System.String error) [0x00000]
>   at System.Web.HttpApplication.OutputPage () [0x00000]
>   at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineDone () [0x00000]
> Tick caught an exception that has not been propagated:
> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly
> 'Castle.Services.Transaction, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' or one of its
> dependencies. The
> system cannot find the file specified.
> File name: 'Castle.Services.Transaction, Version=,
> Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc'
>   at (wrapper xdomain-invoke)
> Mono.WebServer.BaseRequestBroker:UnregisterRequest (int)
>   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
> Mono.WebServer.BaseRequestBroker:UnregisterRequest (int)
>   at Mono.WebServer.BaseApplicationHost.EndOfRequest
> (Mono.WebServer.MonoWorkerRequest mwr) [0x00000]
>   at (wrapper delegate-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_MonoWorkerRequest
> (Mono.WebServer.MonoWorkerRequest)
>   at Mono.WebServer.MonoWorkerRequest.EndOfRequest ()
> [0x00000]
>   at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineDone () [0x00000]
>   at System.Web.HttpApplication.Tick () [0x00000]
> I have another project that works on mono.  When I delete the
> Castle.Services.Transaction dll I get a different error:
> oot at ndev-linux /home/httpd/html/ARTest# xsp2
> xsp2
> Listening on port: 8080 (non-secure)
> Listening on address:
> Root directory: /home/httpd/html/ARTest
> Hit Return to stop the server.
> ** (/usr/local/lib/mono/2.0/xsp2.exe:10722): WARNING **:
> The following
> assembly referenced from /home/httpd/html/ARTest/bin/
> Castle.Facilities.ActiveRecordIntegration.dll could not be
> loaded:
>      Assembly:   Castle.Services.Transaction    (assemblyref_index=4)
>      Version:
>      Public Key: 407dd0808d44fbdc
> The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed
> in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the
> executing assembly (/home/httpd/html/ARTest/bin).
> ** (/usr/local/lib/mono/2.0/xsp2.exe:10722): WARNING **:
> Could not
> load file or assembly 'Castle.Services.Transaction, Version=,
> Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=407dd0808d44fbdc' or one of
> its
> dependencies.
> So what does the first error mean?  Since it seems mono will give the 2nd
> error message when the assembly is actually missing.
> Thanks in advance for any help/info.
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