[Mono-list] Pooling=false in connectionString cause Unhandled Exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: CreateSemaphore
enzo.arlati at libero.it
Mon Aug 27 18:30:44 EDT 2007
I downloaded the file mysql-connector-net- from page
but mybe it should be a wrong file because it has not the Source directory.
I tried to link mysqlclient to Source but I cant found a lot of files (
see belowe )
[enzo at enzo6 mysql-connector-net-]$ ln -s mysqlclient Source
[enzo at enzo6 mysql-connector-net-]$ ./build.sh
error CS2001: Source file `Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/common/SHA1.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/common/WinCE.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/ISSchemaProvider.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/MySqlClientFactory.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/MySqlConnectionStringBuilder.cs' could
not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/MySqlPromotableTransaction.cs' could
not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/MySqlStream.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/NativeDriver.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/PerformanceMonitor.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/PreparableStatement.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/SchemaProvider.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/Statement.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/Types/MetaData.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/UsageAdvisor.cs' could not be found
error CS2001: Source file `Source/common/Cache.cs' could not be found
Compilation failed: 16 error(s), 0 warnings
I also try this, but I didn't known how
[enzo at enzo6 mysql-connector-net-]$ gmcs -d:MONO -d:NET20
-debug -checked- -out:mono/bin/2.0/MySql.Data.dll -t:library -pkg:dotnet
-r:System.Transactions mysqlclient/*.cs mysqlclient/Types/*.cs
mysqlclient/CommandBuilder.cs(25,18): error CS0234: The type or
namespace name `Common' does not exist in the namespace `MySql.Data'.
Are you missing an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/CommandBuilder.cs(25,1): error CS0246: The type or namespace
name `Data.Common' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive
or an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/command.cs(27,18): error CS0234: The type or namespace name
`Common' does not exist in the namespace `MySql.Data'. Are you missing
an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/command.cs(27,1): error CS0246: The type or namespace name
`Data.Common' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or
an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/CompressedStream.cs(23,18): error CS0234: The type or
namespace name `Common' does not exist in the namespace `MySql.Data'.
Are you missing an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/CompressedStream.cs(23,1): error CS0246: The type or
namespace name `Data.Common' could not be found. Are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/Connection.cs(27,18): error CS0234: The type or namespace
name `Common' does not exist in the namespace `MySql.Data'. Are you
missing an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/Connection.cs(27,1): error CS0246: The type or namespace
name `Data.Common' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive
or an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/ConnectionString.cs(25,18): error CS0234: The type or
namespace name `Common' does not exist in the namespace `MySql.Data'.
Are you missing an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/ConnectionString.cs(25,1): error CS0246: The type or
namespace name `Data.Common' could not be found. Are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/Driver.cs(24,18): error CS0234: The type or namespace name
`Common' does not exist in the namespace `MySql.Data'. Are you missing
an assembly reference?
mysqlclient/Driver.cs(24,1): error CS0246: The type or namespace name
`Data.Common' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or
an assembly reference?
Compilation failed: 12 error(s), 0 warnings
The contents of mysql-connector-net- file is reported belowe
[enzo at enzo6 mysql-connector-net-]$ unzip -l
Archive: ../mysql-connector-net-
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
1912 08-21-07 14:35 doc/borland.html
2197 08-21-07 14:35 doc/deployment.html
2203 08-21-07 14:35 doc/installation.html
1912 08-21-07 14:35 doc/Install_and_deploy.html
2138 08-21-07 14:35 doc/install_vsnet.html
2354 08-21-07 14:35 doc/introduction.html
218827 08-22-07 15:47 doc/MySql.Data.chm
1340 08-21-07 14:35 doc/Overview.html
2204 08-21-07 14:35 doc/req_and_compat.html
2428 08-21-07 14:35 doc/support.html
1912 08-21-07 14:35 doc/webmatrix.html
1378 08-21-07 14:35 doc/whatsnew.html
61440 08-22-07 12:30 Installer/Binary/InstallTools.dll
23718 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/Bitmaps/bannrbmp-is.bmp
85894 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/Bitmaps/bannrbmp.bmp
153558 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/Bitmaps/dlgbmp-is.bmp
461814 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/Bitmaps/dlgbmp.bmp
1078 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/Bitmaps/document.ico
77582 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/EULA.rtf
79775 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/GPL.rtf
3832 08-22-07 12:30 Installer/main.iss
5882 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/main.wxs
2877 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/misc.iss
2174 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/samples.wxs
11987 08-21-07 14:35 Installer/sources.wxs
4050 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/ContextString.cs
6572 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/DBConnectionString.cs
5742 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/NamedPipeStream.cs
4395 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/NativeMethods.cs
1434 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/Platform.cs
3063 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/Semaphore.cs
8322 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/SharedMemoryStream.cs
4455 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/StreamCreator.cs
2762 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/common/Version.cs
34255 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlCommand.xml
14422 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlCommandBuilder.xml
48004 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlConnection.xml
35195 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlDataAdapter.xml
8860 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlDataReader.xml
1445 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlException.xml
1445 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlHelper.xml
1340 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlParameter.xml
1456 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlParameterCollection.xml
12084 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/docs/MySqlTransaction.xml
4175 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlBinary.cs
2392 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlBit.cs
2143 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlByte.cs
1249 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlConversionException.cs
15101 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlDateTime.cs
2624 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlDecimal.cs
2897 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlDouble.cs
2226 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlInt16.cs
2369 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlInt32.cs
2217 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlInt64.cs
2854 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlSingle.cs
2930 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlString.cs
4122 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlTime.cs
2183 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlUByte.cs
2305 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlUInt16.cs
2669 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlUInt32.cs
2207 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlUInt64.cs
4905 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Types/MySqlValue.cs
4704 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/Adler32.cs
59277 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/Deflate.cs
20109 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/InfBlocks.cs
21138 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/InfCodes.cs
13815 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/Inflate.cs
18481 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/InfTree.cs
7205 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/StaticTree.cs
8359 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/SupportClass.cs
16803 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/Tree.cs
7074 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/ZInputStream.cs
4341 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/Zlib.cs
9123 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/ZOutputStream.cs
8360 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/ZStream.cs
3409 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/zlib/ZStreamException.cs
3583 08-22-07 12:30 mysqlclient/AssemblyInfo.cs
6030 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/CharSetMap.cs
21999 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/command.cs
16159 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/CommandBuilder.cs
5045 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/CommandResult.cs
7614 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/CompressedStream.cs
11477 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Connection.cs
12548 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/ConnectionString.cs
10899 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Crypt.cs
13410 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/dataadapter.cs
24156 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/datareader.cs
9509 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Driver.cs
2433 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Exception.cs
5712 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Field.cs
1786 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Logger.cs
18274 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/MySql.Data.csproj
8059 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/MysqlDefs.cs
10585 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/MySqlError.cs
15539 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/MySqlHelper.cs
5730 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/MySqlPool.cs
2421 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/MySqlPoolManager.cs
19190 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/nativedriver.cs
7266 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/PacketReader.cs
6232 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/PacketWriter.cs
18088 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/parameter.cs
15681 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/parameter_collection.cs
4052 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/PreparedStatement.cs
3396 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/ProcedureCache.cs
17291 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Resources.Designer.cs
5418 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Resources.resources
12499 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/Resources.resx
15672 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/StoredProcedure.cs
3856 08-21-07 14:35 mysqlclient/transaction.cs
822 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/Designers/command.bmp
822 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/Designers/connection.bmp
822 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/Designers/dataadapter.bmp
10183 08-21-07 14:35
13784 08-21-07 14:35
1867 08-21-07 14:35
926 08-21-07 14:35
4789 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/notused/ConnectionSettings.cs
7457 08-21-07 14:35
14206 08-21-07 14:35
1926 08-21-07 14:35
8310 08-21-07 14:35
5515 08-21-07 14:35
2128 08-21-07 14:35
3439 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/notused/TestCtl.cs
6994 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/notused/TestCtl.resx
822 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/resources/command.bmp
822 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/resources/connection.bmp
822 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/resources/dataadapter.bmp
2499 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/AssemblyInfo.cs
10209 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/Connect.cs
7165 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/ConnectDatabaseDlg.cs
9251 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/ConnectDatabaseDlg.resx
4844 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/ConnectionStringTypeEditor.cs
6711 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/ConnectServerDlg.cs
11474 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/ConnectServerDlg.resx
7244 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/CreateDatabaseDlg.cs
12598 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/CreateDatabaseDlg.resx
4735 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/DatabaseTypeEditor.cs
6147 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/DataGridComboBoxColumn.cs
1713 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/DBParametersEditor.cs
10193 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/EditConnectionString.cs
13784 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/EditConnectionString.resx
3053 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/MySqlDataAdapterDesigner.cs
2261 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/PreviewDataDlg.cs
6441 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/PreviewDataDlg.resx
22309 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/ServerExplorer.cs
27519 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/ServerExplorer.resx
8141 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/SqlCommandEditorDlg.cs
5411 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/SqlCommandEditorDlg.resx
2141 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/SqlCommandTextEditor.cs
27169 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/TableDesigner.cs
30662 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/TableDesigner.resx
6793 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/TableViewer.cs
7001 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/TableViewer.resx
1839 08-21-07 14:35 MySQLClient.Design/UserData.cs
1078 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/CS/App.ico
3340 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/CS/AssemblyInfo.cs
10907 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/CS/Form1.cs
13724 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/CS/Form1.resx
1099 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/CS/TableEditor.build
4912 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/CS/TableEditor.csproj
1939 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/VB/AssemblyInfo.vb
13751 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/VB/Form1.resx
11386 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/VB/Form1.vb
1314 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/VB/TableEditor.build
4426 08-21-07 14:35 Samples/TableEditor/VB/TableEditor.vbproj
240 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/configs/mysql-41.config
234 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/configs/mysql-50.config
234 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/configs/mysql-51.config
3451 08-22-07 12:30 TestSuite/AssemblyInfo.cs
9515 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/BaseTest.cs
12625 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/BlobTests.cs
4502 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/CharacterSetTests.cs
8938 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/CommandBuilderTests.cs
14921 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/CommandTests.cs
12661 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/ConnectionTests.cs
3787 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/CultureTests.cs
17433 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/DataAdapterTests.cs
24245 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/DataReaderTests.cs
20344 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/DataTypeTests.cs
15195 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/DateTimeTests.cs
2398 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/EventTests.cs
2124 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/Exceptions.cs
11119 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/LanguageTests.cs
8436 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/MySql.Data.Tests.csproj
2096 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/MySqlHelperTests.cs
14597 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/ParameterTests.cs
14792 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/PoolingTests.cs
23610 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/PreparedStatements.cs
2627 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/SimpleTransactions.cs
45706 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/StoredProcedure.cs
4540 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/StressTests.cs
12466 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/Syntax.cs
3278 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/Threading.cs
1253 08-21-07 14:35 TestSuite/Utils.cs
42959 08-21-07 14:35 CHANGES
10503 08-22-07 15:31 Client.build
19794 08-21-07 14:35 COPYING
5258 08-21-07 14:35 EXCEPTIONS
8135 08-22-07 12:30 Package.build
1055 08-21-07 14:35 README
-------- -------
2815802 201 files
I have tried
Robert Jordan wrote:
> Hi,
> Copy the attached "build.sh" into the "Driver" folder of the
> mysql package and execute it. Then pick the assemblies from
> Driver/mono/bin/2.0/.
> The assembly is not signed, so you won't be able to install it
> into the GAC.
> Robert
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