[Mono-list] Getting countries, application directory and evolution interaction

Manuel de la Pena manuel.mps at mac.com
Sun Aug 19 13:58:41 EDT 2007

Hi Jonathan,

I was sure that my code was not going to work (getting countries)  
since it is using the telephone register, I was hoping there was some  
kind of localisation that I could use under Linux since we can choose  
the current location in the clock etc... and I wanted to be able to  
use such data instead of parsing xml files.

Could you point me to a webpage with some info about evolution# ??

Thanks ;)

On 19/08/2007, at 3:48, Jonathan Pryor wrote:

> On Sat, 2007-08-18 at 21:55 +0200, Manuel de la Pena wrote:
>> I'm developing an application and in one point I want to get a list
>> of all the countries, I have found the following code that works on
>> windows:
> <snip/>
>> Is there any possible way to achieve this with mono on Linux?!?!
> Not with the code you originally posted.  You can't assume anything
> about the contents of registry entries that you didn't create.  There
> might be some Linux-specific code that you can use, but I don't know
> what it is.
>> I also have an other problem regarding the following code (I'm sure
>> some one has already answer this):
> The easiest thing to do is continue using
> Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData, but use Path.Combine to
> create the full paths:
> 	string root = Environment.GetFolderPath (
> 		Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
> 	string myDocsPath = Path.Combine (root,
> 		Path.Combine ("Macaque", "MacaqueDB.db"));
> 	string imagesDir = Path.Combine (root,
> 		Path.Combine ("Macaque", "Images"));
> 	if (!Directory.Exists (imagesDir))
> 		Directory.CreateDirectory (imagesDir);
> Under Linux, SpecialFolder.ApplicationData maps to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME,
> which in turn defaults to ~/.config.
>> An one last thing, those anyone how to interact with evolution throw
>> Mono.??
> There was a set of Evolution# packages that you might look into...
>  - Jon

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