[Mono-list] How do i tell Mono (for ASP.NET, C#) where to find MySQL.Data.MySqlClient

Dick Steflik steflik at binghamton.edu
Mon Oct 23 17:28:41 EDT 2006

Peter & Robert,

     <add assembly="MySql.Data, Version=, 

Have to go teach a  class for the next couple of hours, I'll be on later 
though. Thanks for the help.


Peter Bradley wrote:

> Ysgrifennodd Dick Steflik:
>> Robert,
>> Yep, I'm using the same thing.  Just out of curiosity....what 
>> directory do you have MySql.Data.dll in?
>> Dick
> Dick,
> There's some piece missing here, I'm sure.
> Could you post the exact path to your MySql.Data.dll file in the GAC 
> (i.e. something like 
> /usr/lib/mono/gac/MySql.Data/ 
> Could you also post your Web.config file, please?
> Cheers
> Peter

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