[Mono-list] MySQL Connector/Net 1.0.8 RC has been released.

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Fri Oct 20 17:01:53 EDT 2006

Reggie Burnett wrote:
> MySQL Connector/Net 1.0.8 RC has been released.  MySQL Connector/Net is an
> all-managed ADO.Net provider for MySQL.  While this release is suitable for
> any version of MySQL, it is strongly encouraged that this release not be
> used on any production data.  

BTW, it would be nice if the new release would fix this bug:


The bug is closed as "can't repeat", which can't be true because
it's a classical race condition (double initialization w/out memory

It can be reproduced by calling MySqlConnection.Open () with connection
pooling turned on from several threads.

See the attached patch.

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