[Mono-list] Mono embedding issue

Andreas Färber andreas.faerber at web.de
Thu Oct 12 16:15:57 EDT 2006

Am 12.10.2006 um 15:40 schrieb Robert Jordan:

> Andreas Färber wrote:
>> Am 12.10.2006 um 14:34 schrieb Robert Jordan:
>>>> When I do
>>>> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=... ./autogen.sh --prefix=...
>>>> I get:
>>>> ...
>>>> checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
>>>> ./configure: line 22241: syntax error near unexpected token
>>>> ./configure: line 22241: `  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(BASE_DEPENDENCIES,
>>>> glib-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED_VERSION)'
>>>> Prefix has been set in all .pc files as instructed, including
>>>> glib-2.0.pc.
>>>> I'm at revision 66592.
>>> What's the output of this line?
>>> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/mono/lib/pkgconfig  pkg-config --libs glib-2.0
>> -L/Users/andreas/Mono/latest/lib -lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv
> It seems to be an autotools problem. I don't know how to proceed
> from here. Plan B would be: delete ~/mono/lib and configure
> using the settings of the official Mono version:
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Libraries/pkgconfig
>   ./autogen.sh --prefix=...

Unfortunately this fails with the same message...

pkg-config is 0.15.0
GNU autoconf 2.59
GNU automake 1.6.3

Anyway ... I have reverted to using my locally copied lib and I added  
the variable ACLOCAL_FLAGS, which I remembered had been necessary for  
Cocoa#, and now autogen.sh works!

It still reports a number of warnings, with autoheader complaining  
about acconfig.h et al. being deprecated and at another place a net/ 
if.h compilation problem is asked to be reported to some list.

make fails...
gcc 4 complains about an unrecognized option -pthreads
mono-hash.c doesn't find glib.h, resulting in dozens of warnings and  

I guess I'll just need to specify where to find them - how?


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