[Mono-list] Mono embedding issue

Andreas Färber andreas.faerber at web.de
Thu Oct 12 08:11:28 EDT 2006

Am 12.10.2006 um 13:32 schrieb Robert Jordan:

> Supposing your new Mono prefix will be ~/mono:
> mkdir ~/mono
> cp -rp /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Libraries ~/mono/lib
> After that adjust the "prefix" entry of all ~/mono/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc
> files and configure the Mono sources you (optimally) got from SVN  
> with:
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/mono/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=~/mono

Thanks. When I do
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=... ./autogen.sh --prefix=...
I get:
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
./configure: line 22241: syntax error near unexpected token  
./configure: line 22241: `  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(BASE_DEPENDENCIES,  

Prefix has been set in all .pc files as instructed, including  
I'm at revision 66592.


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