[Mono-list] One mail for two questions !

xiii29 xiii29 at free.fr
Mon May 29 16:42:30 EDT 2006

I've started using Sqlite / NHibernate but I've fighting some troubles :

-1- Mono does not include Sqlite.Net (I hope instead I lose lot of time 
;-) ) :
    --> I've started a new Driver to Mono.Data.Sqlite ... (seems ok),

-2- It seems that NHibernate is a Visual Studio Project ... So when i 
recompil with MonoDevelop all the ressource has their fullname changed 
from NHibernate.<FileName> to <FileName> so I've changed the code two 
managed both ...
    --> Same : maybe I've lost time by my unknowledge of MonoDevelop or 
build ...

-3- I'm able to load xml mapping, to create object but when saving It 
seems that I trouble with parameters in the command ... :
    --> As usuable : I'm maybe loosing time with my unknowledge ...

So I'm still figthing :-D   !!!

Thanks for your help !

Miguel de Icaza a écrit :
> Hello,
>> I'm looking for a database which can be embedded in my software ... I 
>> was wondering about FireBird ??
> Firebird can be embedded, I set it up once (you might want to Google for
> my blog, I believe I had some instructions there).
> Alternatively, Sqlite is very very easy to embed.
>> Also : Mapping Object / Relationnel ==> NHibernate ?
> There is also now db4objects, its failyr popular.

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