[Mono-list] Re: OSX/x86 test image available

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Thu Mar 2 15:44:09 EST 2006


Why on earth do you want to mount the Mac OS/X x86 disk image
under SuSE using VMware? This disk image is indented to be
installed on a real Apple Mac x86 machine, one you can see
here: http://www.apple.com/macmini/



> Oh so close:
> linux:/home/guest/Desktop # mount -t hfs -o loop
> MonoFramework-1.1.13-02.28.2006.dmg mono/
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
>        missing codepage or other error
>        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
>        dmesg | tail  or so
> Using: VMWare player 1.0.1 19317
> Doesn't quite have support for hfs apparently.
> Guess I'll try getting an update.
> ~Tim
> --- Timothy Graupmann <tgraupmann at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> So you should be able to download the VMWare player. Download the Suse image.
>> Download the Mono OSX DMG inside the player. And mount it with that command
>> line.
>> Excellent. Thanks,
>> ~Tim
>> --- Glenn Martin <lifewarped at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> A DMG file is a disk image... if your on a Nix system
>>> and have HFS+ support on your OS you can use:
>>> $ mount -t hfs -o loop dmgfile.dmg /mnt/point
>>> To Mount it
>>> --- Timothy Graupmann <tgraupmann at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> I just saw on the Mono home page, there is an image
>>>> available:
>>> http://www.mono-project.com/news/archive/2006/Feb-28.html
>>>> What kind of software plays a dmg image?
>>>> --- Timothy Graupmann <tgraupmann at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>> This isn't answering your question. But your
>>>> question made me think about the
>>>>> free VMWare player.
>>>>> http://www.vmware.com/download/player/
>>>>> Which uses virtual machines.
>>>>> Suse 10 has a pre-installed Linux virtual machine:
>>>>> http://developer.kde.org/~binner/vmware/
>>>>> It would be cool if the Mono project maintained a
>>>> developer virtual machine
>>>>> like this. So anyone could just download the image
>>>> and jump right into Mono
>>>>> development!
>>>>> That would be most excellent,
>>>>> ~Tim
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