[Mono-list] Suse 10.1 and Monodevelop

Joe Audette joe_audette at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 12 21:23:27 EDT 2006

>It doesn't even appear.  What package should I have installed (I
installed everything, I think).

If you go into System > YaST > Software > Software Management
and search for mono you should find it. As I recall the only thing missing was mod_mono which you can get by adding an additional installation source

On mine I added an http source
Server Name: suse.mirrors.tds.net
Server Directory: pub/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.1/inst-source

if you are in the US that should be fine or you may want to look at the list on opensuse wiki for a closer one
this will give you additional packages like postgresql and lots of other stuff that isn't on the cds

I would install pretty much everything you see in searching for mono then to upgrade all of it to the newest version go to the mono download page and download all the rpms
unzip the rpms into directories then from the terminal cd into those directories one at a time and do
sudo rpm -Uvh *.rpm

in the devtools folder I got an error on gecko so had to install the rest one at a time in that directory like
sudo rpm -Uvh filename.rpm for each file

be sure and install boo

I just did all this last weekend and the latest 0.11 MonoDevelop is working nice for me.

Hope it helps,


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