AW: [Mono-list] Please solve .exe s conflict?

Andreas Färber andreas.faerber at
Tue Jan 31 06:39:10 EST 2006


> Many apps are already written in MS.NET framework technology and they should be able to run without changes on Linux, Mono at Win, etc. 
I agree on that. Let's not have .xyz on Windows and .exe on Windows.
.NET uses .exe/.dll so let's stick with that. Either way there is no
need to change (g)mcs to output a different file extension, you can do
that yourself using the rename command if you like.
> One example: Renaming the executables might lead to dead file links when a main program tries to start the executable of a sub application called "sub.exe", because it wouldn't be there when you rename those files to ".exe.mono".

> if you want to start your executable with Mono and a nice picture, better create file links with normal windows technology with nice icons and reference to the desired mono instance.
 If you have a link or batch script for an application you're using then
that will work okay; but it seems you are worried about your own
application. There you can make sure that it can run with any extension
and create the necessary mapping yourself in the registry if you like.
If a user wants to connect it to another version of Mono simply have him
change the registry setting.



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