[Mono-list] dllentry

mrpugh at gmx.de mrpugh at gmx.de
Mon Jan 23 14:08:24 EST 2006


I have some problems with dllmap and dllentry.

I try to make a call to the following method:

private static extern int _vsnprintf(StringBuilder buffer, int count, String
format, IntPtr argptr);

For windows this is no problem, but under Linux I have to map this call to
vsnprintf in libc.

I tried this in [assemblyname].conf:

   <dllmap dll="MSVCRT.DLL" target="libc.so.6" />
   <dllmap dll="MSVCRT.DLL">
     <dllentry dll="libc.so.6" name="_vsnprintf" target="vsnprintf" />

The MSVCRT.DLL gets resolved to libc.so.6 but the method-name is not

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was
thrown by the type initializer for JxtaNET.JxtaObject --->
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: _vsnprintf

Did I make a mistake or is this a bug in mono?

Thank You!

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