[Mono-list] FileChooserDialog
Lluis Sanchez
lluis at ximian.com
Mon Jan 16 12:25:10 EST 2006
If your distro is Suse 10, it might be due to the following (fixed) bug:
El sáb, 14-01-2006 a las 17:47 +0000, Paulo Augusto escribió:
> I am trying to use FileChooserDialog but it is failing me. There isn't
> much documentation about it and, so, i'm trying an example which is
> mostly the same as the example of FileSelection which is in the
> documentation and works fine.
> /******************************************/
> using System;
> using Gtk;
> namespace Aprendizagem
> {
> public class ExemploFileChooserDialog
> {
> Label lbl;
> FileChooserDialog fc;
> public ExemploFileChooserDialog ()
> {
> Application.Init ();
> Window win = new Window ("FileSelectionSample");
> win.SetDefaultSize (250,200);
> win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Sair);
> VBox vbox = new VBox (true, 1);
> win.Add (vbox);
> Button btn = new Button ("Select a file.");
> btn.Clicked += new EventHandler (BtnClicked);
> vbox.Add (btn);
> lbl = new Label ("Selected: ");
> vbox.Add (lbl);
> win.ShowAll ();
> fc = new FileChooserDialog ("Choose a folder", win,
> FileChooserAction.SelectFolder, null);
> fc.Response += new ResponseHandler (OnFileSelectionResponse);
> Application.Run ();
> }
> void BtnClicked (object o, EventArgs args)
> {
> fc.Run();
> fc.Hide();
> }
> void OnFileSelectionResponse (object o, ResponseArgs args)
> {
> if (args.ResponseId == ResponseType.Ok)
> {
> lbl.Text = "Selected: " + fc.Filename + "\n" +
> "Folder: " + fc.CurrentFolder;
> }
> }
> void Sair (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
> {
> Application.Quit ();
> }
> }
> }
> /******************************************/
> When trying to run, the output is this:
> Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not
> set to an instance of an object
> in <0x0019c> Gtk.FileChooserDialog:.ctor (System.String title,
> Gtk.Window parent, FileChooserAction action, System.Object[]
> button_data)
> in <0x0019a> Aprendizagem.ExemploFileChooserDialog:.ctor ()
> in <0x00016> Aprendizagem.Program:Main (System.String[] args)
> Anyone could help me out in what's wrong of if it is some bug!?
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